I love you guys.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
Anna Marina
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
and the new king Jeconiah, who was either 8 or 18, and his court and other prominent citizens
For what it's worth, my guess is Jehoiachin (Jeconiah) was 18 and in 2 Chron it reads 8 becaue the copyist missed off the yod in Hebrew.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
Where is the unity Scholar? All except the Watchtower agree that Jerusalem fell in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar.There's even a high level of agreement that this was also the 11th year of Zedekiah.
But Watchtower pushes the envelope on this one - they go for both the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar and the 1st year of Nebuchadnezzar. In this they play the most brilliant game with the Battle of Carchemish.
It is impressive stuff and they get total agreement on the basis that no one understands what the heck they are talking about. As far as they are concerned the pure language is "er um eh?" And this is an expression of unity which they cherish.
Inconsistencies is the Preachng Work
by LetTheTruthBeKnown inwith the shutdown of the public preaching work.
some take it to mean all preaching in all forms.
other take it to mean it only includes door to door and cart witnessing, but you can do phone witnessing.. what is interesting is that depending which country you live in the direction that was given what to do is different.. two countries (malta and ireland) that i know of were told explicitly not to do phone witnessing.
Anna Marina
Ah Overrated well why not say you are house-bound and ask them to buy you a packet of cigarettes?
I was working with a zealous pioneer sister once (she is now a COs wife), she was delightful and such a kind person. But I nearly fell off the doorstep when a householder asked her to go and buy him a packet of cigarettes and she agreed. Next thing we were at the tobacconists purchasing them for him. Yes ok we clocked up some hours, but the normal method was to walk slowly down a lane following telegraph poles to the most remote building you could find.
If you don't feel comfortable asking for cigarettes, how about some power tools or just a bag of spuds. It keeps them busy and happy and once you've trained them in shopping, why not see if they'd do a bit of housework - keep this up until they twig they are being used. Then you may never see them again.
How Could We Have Been So Heartless?
by BluesBrother ini am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
Anna Marina
(2 Peter 3:9) . . .The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.
(Luke 15:20-24) . . . And he got up and went to his father. But while he was still far away, his father saw him and was moved with pity for him and went quickly and took him in his arms and gave him a kiss. And his son said to him, Father, I have done wrong, against heaven and in your eyes: I am no longer good enough to be named your son. But the father said to his servants, Get out the first robe quickly, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet: And get the fat young ox and put it to death, and let us have a feast, and be glad. For this, my son, who was dead, is living again; he had gone away from me, and has come back. And they were full of joy.
Inconsistencies is the Preachng Work
by LetTheTruthBeKnown inwith the shutdown of the public preaching work.
some take it to mean all preaching in all forms.
other take it to mean it only includes door to door and cart witnessing, but you can do phone witnessing.. what is interesting is that depending which country you live in the direction that was given what to do is different.. two countries (malta and ireland) that i know of were told explicitly not to do phone witnessing.
Anna Marina
Oh Overrated, show more tender affection :) Find a PIMO who has to count time. Talk about, ice creams, weather, how unreasonable the elders are, then let the PIMO put it down on their report.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
Longlivetherenegades - yes there are no dates in the Bible. It is ranges of time with events.
Our Father, Jehovah created time and He counts time in a awesome manner. The time precision in the Bible makes you gasp when you comprehend it using maths. He uses minimal information and makes you calculate. It is the opposite of brain washing, if you want this info, you have to dig. But if you dig, the easiness of it makes you eyes go wide, for there is such genius. And the accuracy - well if you think looking up at the night sky is quite good, see this! Then say the Bible's not harmonious, dare anyone :)
Silver bullet for WT - Ez 40:1 19.....14
No, it is not a date. It is a range of time.
Inconsistencies is the Preachng Work
by LetTheTruthBeKnown inwith the shutdown of the public preaching work.
some take it to mean all preaching in all forms.
other take it to mean it only includes door to door and cart witnessing, but you can do phone witnessing.. what is interesting is that depending which country you live in the direction that was given what to do is different.. two countries (malta and ireland) that i know of were told explicitly not to do phone witnessing.
Anna Marina
I get called on - time is counted speaking to me.
I'm really useful.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
HI Scholar
Oh shame about Dan 1:1 being 618BCE. Never mind.
“In the third year of the kingship of Jehoiakim the king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it.” (Dan. 1:1)
This “third year” of vassalage to Babylon would be the eleventh year of Jehoiakim’s entire reign……w64 10/15 pp. 636-637
He ruled for 3-11 years from 628 to 618 BCE you know. That's 10 years. They call it about 11.
Have you heard this talk on spiritual unity?
Now brothers, let's make sure we all remain united and if there's something we don't agree on... well we need to remain united, united behind this massive great big pile of garbage. That's called humility. Being lowly like garbage. And if you don't feel like garbage, make sure you attend the meetings regularly so we can change that for you. Nothing is too much trouble.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
notsurewheretogo - have some fun with this - it'll be in the next video
Daniel interprets Neb's Tree Dream during or shorty after the 2nd year of Neb.
12 months pass after the interpretation.
Dan 4:29-33
At the end of twelve months he was walking on the roof of his great house in Babylon. The king made answer and said, Is this not great Babylon, which I have made for the living-place of kings, by the strength of my power and for the glory of my honour? While the word was still in the king's mouth, a voice came down from heaven, saying, O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is said: The kingdom has gone from you: And they will send you out from among men, to be with the beasts of the field; they will give you grass for your food like the oxen, and seven times will go by you, till you are certain that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and gives it to any man at his pleasure. That very hour the order about Nebuchadnezzar was put into effect: and he was sent out from among men, and had grass for his food like the oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hair became long as eagles' feathers and his nails like those of birds
So Nebuchadnezzar's Driven Away for 7 Times starts 3rd maybe 4th year of Nebuchadenzzar.
Nebuchadnezzar takes Jehoiachin captive in his 8th year. So how do you squeeze about 7 years into the 4 or 5 years from 3rd-4th year Neb to 8th year Neb?
(2 Kings 24:12) . . .At length Je‧hoi′a‧chin the king of Judah went out to the king of Babylon, he with his mother and his servants and his princes and his court officials; and the king of Babylon got to take him in the eighth year of his being king. . .
Watchtower knows how. They make out 2 Kings 24:12 is talking about the 8th year of Jehoiachin, who only ruled for 3 months and 10 days.
You can see why they threw me out can't you.